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Our Key Policies

Air Liquide, in Australia and New Zealand, strives to be a valued member of the communities in which it operates. To this end, we have policies in place to ensure we continue to operate our business safely and ethically, respecting human rights. 

Group Code of Conduct

Air Liquide expects all business partners (contractors, suppliers, distributors, consultants, etc.) to comply with the principles of the Air Liquide Group Code of Conduct available at this link.


Supplier's Code of Conduct

Under our Air Liquide Purchasing Terms, Suppliers agree to observe the Air Liquide Supplier Code of Conduct, available at the following link.


Air Liquide believes every employee has the right to work in a safe and secure working environment. The Group has developed safety (prevention of industrial risks) and security (prevention of risks related to malicious events) policies, standards and procedures that apply to employees, subcontractors and service providers where Air Liquide operates.  See further: here.


Air Liquide understands that a sustainable future means working with all our stakeholders and sharing responsibility in a spirit of openness, fairness and accountability. Through transparency and continuous dialogue, Air Liquide commits to strengthening relations with its stakeholders: customers and patients, shareholders, suppliers, local communities and the public sphere. Air Liquide Group understands that it's time to ACT for a sustainable future.

Air Liquide promotes safety, sustainability and good corporate citizenship in Australia and New Zealand. Employees are also involved and encouraged to propose initiatives and identify actions to support the company's CSR objectives.

Discover our Corporate Social Responsibility Policies

Air Liquide Australia strives to be a valued member of the communities in which it operates. To this end, it places emphasis on doing business safely and ethically, respecting human rights.

Anti-Slavery Policy

This policy applies to Air Liquide Australia Ltd (ABN 57 004 385 782), Air Liquide Healthcare Pty Ltd (ABN 41 002 653 045), Healthy Workplace Solutions Pty Ltd (ABN 35 121 729 584), Air Liquide Australia Solutions Pty Ltd (ACN 602 866 106), Air Liquide New Zealand Ltd (NZBN 942903203612) and their related entities in Australia and New Zealand (collectively Air Liquide).

This policy also addresses the specific requirements of Australia's Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (Australian Act).

Modern Slavery Statement of Air Liquide Australia Limited - 2023

To access the most recently filed joint modern slavery statement of Air Liquide Australia, use the link below.

Air Liquide Whistleblower Policy (Australia and New Zealand)

Air Liquide is committed to the highest standards of conduct and ethical behaviour in all of our business activities, fostering a culture of honest and ethical behaviour, good corporate governance, with an open, transparent and safe working environment enabling people to speak up.


Air Liquide Group also has a system called EthiCall whereby any person who has direct knowledge of inappropriate behavior regarding a variety of ethics, integrity and compliance issues (fraud, corruption, conflict of interest, harassment, discrimination, breach of competition law, protection of personal data, health and safety or environmental issues, etc.) can confidentially raise an alert.

Contact Us

If you have a question about any of our products, services or resources, please feel free to call or send us a message.

Our Head Office

24/7 Emergency Hotline

Transport / Industrial Emergency:
1800 812 588
Healthcare / Medical Oxygen Emergency:
1300 36 02 02

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Customer Care Hotline:
+61 3 9697 9888
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